
You’ll find your way to us easily. Just be warned, you might not want to leave :-)


EkoFarma Horní Chrášťany
Horní Chrášťany 43, 384 11 Lhenice

Opening hours of the restaurant and brewery:

Monday – Thursday                 11:00 AM – 9:30 PM
Friday                                      11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Saturday                                    11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Sunday                                    11:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Keg pickup must be arranged at least 24 hours in advance by calling 727 984 358 or 602 147 101.

Guesthouse, restaurant a.s.
Headquarters: Kubatova 1240/6, 370 04 České Budějovice
ID : 26036363, VAT : CZ26036363


Guesthouse (accommodation) phone number: +420 602 147 101
Restaurant phone number (reservations, beer orders): +420 727 984 358
If unavailable, please send an SMS.
The farm has poor GSM signal; we will call you back.


Fishing, agricultural production

EkoFarma Horní Chrášťany s.r.o.
Headquarters: Horní Chrášťany 43, 384 11 Lhenice
ID: 08038937, VAT: CZ08038937


Fishing phone number: +420 775 897 357
Agricultural production phone number: +420 777 732 257

Do you have any question? Contact us.